MARCH 2023 I Volume 44, Issue 1
Chapter News | ITEA Journal Volume 44, Issue 1
MARCH 2023 I Volume 44, Issue 1
MARCH 2023
Volume 44 I Issue 1
ITEA Chapters, through their local service to members, are the cornerstone of the Association. The Test and Evaluation community is a family connected by unique initiatives and common goals and ITEA is the only association dedicated solely to the community’s success. Volunteer to gain professional connections, experience career growth and to make an impact on the T&E community!
Each Chapter, organized by region, provides a diverse network of individuals that support the test and evaluation community. Led by a Chapter President and Executive Committee, the dedicated, volunteer members advance the mission of ITEA by educating the T&E workforce.
Submitted by Gil Torres, President
Our Chapter will be hosting the 3rd Annual Multi-Domain Operations Workshop 18 – 20 July 2023, in Ventura, CA. Our theme this year is Multi-Domain Operations in an Extended Range Environment which our membership has agreed is a topic area of great interest to our current and future test and evaluation requirements. This will be a continuation of the past two MDO workshops which were held in El Paso Texas with White Sands Chapter at the helm.
The call for papers is on the street with a due date of 22 March 2023, so we encourage you to get involved and submit a presentation or a tutorial for consideration. Please reach out to your leadership to see if they would like to gain visibility at this workshop either with a technical brief, tutorial, as an exhibitor or all the above.
If you have never attended an ITEA workshop you will be in for a great experience. We offer tutorials to help your educational goals, networking events to grow professionally, and technical exchanges to hear from your colleagues and the T&E leadership on topics that matter.
As the host for this workshop, our chapter will be able to build our resources, allowing us to provide scholarship dollars to local institutions or to STEAM/STEM initiatives where we can make a positive impact in the future of the T&E workforce. Thanks to our generous sponsors who help defray the cost of executing an event; they’re contributions allow our chapter to make a substantial investment in our youth and future workforce.
We hope that this event, in our backyard, will highlight the need for our T&E community to get together more often to have conversations about the challenges facing our T&E community today and, in the future, and how to overcome those challenges.
Get involved. Mark your calendar for 18 – 20 July 2023 and join us in beautiful Southern California.
Submitted by COL Rick Bailer USA (Ret.), President
The GW ITEA Chapter came out of the darkness of COVID and held an in-person networking event at the American Legion Ballroom in Gadsby’s Tavern Old Town Alexandria on 16 February. The location and timing is significant as it is the location where General George Washington turned over command of the Continental Army and celebrated several of his birthdays.
We had over 20 companies and government organizations represent by almost 40 attendees.
Mr. George Rumford, Director, Department of Defense, Test Resource Management Center (TRMC), our guest speaker, delivered a timely message on the redefined mission of the TRMC as a field activity, the increased funding available to support the mission, and our call to action to be part of the readiness of test infrastructure, focusing on the gaps with innovative and disruptive technologies. He highlighted that we must also invest in the test and evaluation workforce.
In support of that call to action, the Executive Committee of the GW ITEA Chapter is designing a new Scholarship Program that will also support the ITEA education initiatives. Building the next generation T&E workforce will be our primary goal. We look to our local industry partners to help in this important mission as GW ITEA Sponsors.
The next GW ITEA Networking event is tentatively planned for May 18, 2023 at the same location (American Legion Ballroom, Gadsby Tavern, Old Town Alexandria). More to follow on the quest speaker.
Rick Bailer, Chapter President, Eileen Redd, EWA Corporate Member, Matt Reynolds, former ITEA President and ITEA Instructor, Erwin Sabile, ITEA Treasurer and Hampton Roads Chapter President
Submitted by Erwin R. Sabile, President
After hosting the highly successful 2022 ITEA Annual International T&E Symposium, “Forging the 21st Century T&E Tools in an Era of Great Power Competition” and providing scholarships to a few local students in our community, our Chapter is getting ready to host another major ITEA Event!
We are proud to announce that the Hampton Roads Chapter will be hosting the 9th Cybersecurity Workshop at the VA Beach Westin Town Center, 29-31 August/ The theme for this year’s workshop is Securing the Future: Navigating the Evolving Landscape. This workshop will cover advanced cyber defense techniques and tools, emerging technologies in identifying zero-day vulnerabilities, mission and system resilience and survivability, and much more.
The Call for Papers is on the street, and we encourage you to get involved and submit a presentation for consideration.
If you have never attended an ITEA workshop you will be in for a great experience. We offer tutorials to help your educational goals, networking events to grow professionally, and technical exchanges to hear from your colleagues and the T&E leadership on topics that matter.
Plan on spending a few days of your summer in Virginia Beach!
Submitted by Dr. Adrian ‘Ade’ Britton, President
Our Chapter earned scholarship dollars by co-hosting the virtual 2021 ITEA Annual Symposium with two other Chapters. It was a big success for the community and at the end of 2022 we were pleased to deliver a scholarship check to Hanley Castle Primary School and their STEM initiative project that focused on measuring and assessing elements of the carbon footprint.
One of our members, Catherine O’Carroll, Test & Evaluation Global Campaign Direct, QinetiQ, is currently serving on the ITEA Board of Directors as their Secretary, as well as the chair of their strategic plan for membership goals. Our Chapter is small in numbers but strong in presence. Join us!
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