TIW 2024 Abstracts
10:30 – 11:00 Patrick Freemyers, NSWC Dahlgren BOA DCS Lead and Chris Patscheck, Raven Defense, BOA DCS – Supporting Beyond Line-of- Sight Data Collection
Abstract not available.
11:00 – 11:30 Jason Countryman, US Navy, BLOS Capabilities for Flight Test
Abstract not available.
11:30 – 12:00 Kamal Bhakta, US Navy, STAR Self-Interference Cancellation for TM
Abstract not available.
12:00 – 12:30 Robert Ziegler, Peraton Labs, 5G Cellular Telemetry Developments
Peraton Labs, with sponsorship from DoD Test Resource Management Center, is developing a prototype cellular transceiver to provide telemetry capability for airborne test articles. This effort builds upon our previous Cellular Range Telemetry Network (CeRTN) program in which we prototyped and flight-tested an LTE-based telemetry transceiver, demonstrating key innovations needed to leverage commercial cellular components for aeronautical mobile telemetry application. In this talk we present design and implementation details for a new robust, airworthy 5G LTE transceiver prototype, and our efforts to evaluate and characterize its performance, through lab, ground and flight testing in cooperation with the 412th Range Squadron at Edwards Air Force Base.
10:30 – 11:00 Kevin Percey, Redstone Test Center, MOSAIC Amphibious Test Range Overview
Modular Open System Architecture Instrumentation Containers (MOSAIC) is a Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) funded Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP) program that is integrated and deployed as a collaborative effort between the Reagan Test Site (RTS) and the Redstone Test Center (RTC). At a minimum, the MOSAIC system is intended to replicate the capabilities of the RTS mobile test asset, the USAV Worthy, also known as the Kwajalein Mobile Range Safety System (KMRSS), in terms of Telemetry, Flight Safety, SATCOM, and weather data collection capabilities. The system is comprised of rapidly deployable expeditionary ISO standard shipping containers that are certified for use on Broad Ocean Area (BOA) vessels and capable for use on land, in unimproved locations. MOSAIC will support hypersonic test missions in a number of use cases, including surface launch, air launch, mid-course, and terminal area. MOSAIC is intended to augment the Broad Ocean Area string-of-pearls. The MOSAIC system leverages the most modern components; from tri-band telemetry to raw RF recording and digital matrix switching, a modern flight safety system, and a Starshield SATCOM system all controlled by common command and control soware. The system includes a unique container design that allows frontend instrumentation to automatically stow or deploy at the push of a button. Because of the modular open system approach to the MOSAIC design, it is easily extensible to seamlessly integrate other instrumentation and sensors to include phased-array telemetry, radar, opcs, electronic warfare (EW) jammers, and more.
11:00 – 11:30 Sunil Samtani, Altio Labs, Federated Resources & Analytics Mission Environment (FRAME) for the “Range of the Future”
In this presentation, we describe our approach called Federated Resources & Analytics Mission Environment (FRAME) for the “Range of the Future” concept, which comprises: (i) a dynamically constructed Test Mission Command & Control (TMC2) plane for interoperability of systems and reusability of assets across test missions being conducted on multiple test ranges, (ii) a dynamically constructed test mission specific data plane with high-speed encrypted file/object transfer backbone across a hybrid cloud for federation and sharing of mission test data/knowledge across test ranges both in real-time and post-event, (iii) a test mission workbench toolset that constructs those two planes according to test mission requirements, and (iv) an extensible and non-proprietary test data analytics suite for Pulse-Code Modulation (PCM), 1553, Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC) -429 or IP with modern visualization framework that is integrated within CHEETAS. FRAME enables this orchestration and collaboration of the virtual mission environment for both in-person (at the Control Room) and remote participation using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). FRAME dual-plane architecture builds upon and extends various Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) products – Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA), Cloud Hybrid Edge-to-Enterprise Evaluation & Test Analysis Suite (CHEETAS) and Serengeti Cloud, leveraging prior TRMC technology investments.
11:30 – 12:00 Benjamin Tomlinson, NASA, Technology Maturation Projects – Flight Research Return on Investment (ROI)
Abstract not available.
12:00 – 12:30 Bruce Lipe, NASA, X-59 Telemetry Data Processing at NASA AFRC
Abstract not available.
10:30- 11:00 Steve Meyer, NAWC-WD China Lake, Gary Glazner, Alvia Sandberg, Scott Kujiraoka GBL Systems, Hybrid Tracking System for GPS Denied Environments (HYTS) Overview
Hybrid Tracking System for GPS Denied Environments (HYTS) is a Central Test & Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP) project to develop a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based Time-Space-Position-Information (TSPI) system that could be used in a Global Positioning System (GPS) denied Test and Evaluation (T&E) environment. It is to replace the obsolete Joint Advanced Missile Instrumentation (JAMI) TSPI system and supports legacy JAMI sensors during transition. HYTS uses a Multi-Constellation Multi-Frequency (MCMF) GNSS sensor and Ground Processing software to create and output TSPI messages to the Government Test Range Displays in real time. Archived data can be post-mission processed to create accurate TSPI data products. HYTS takes advantage of GPS L1, L2 and L5 as well as Galileo E1, E2 and E5 frequencies. This paper will provide an overview of the HYTS system.
11:00 – 11:30 Benjamin Kupferschmidt, Curtiss-Wright, High Accuracy TSPI Field Test Results
Abstract not available.
11:30 – 12:00 Achilles Kogiantis, Altio Labs, 5G based Positioning and Sensing for T&E Environments
5G based Aeronautical Mobile Telemetry is already being field tested in the testing range. 5G is anticipated to gradually cover additional needs, such as ground operations and small UAV testing. Due to the wideband 5G waveform structure and its sophisticated multi-cell network architecture it is possible to utilize the 5G system for obtaining the location of the test article. 5G specifications already include mechanisms for extracting ranging information and calculating a position through multilateration techniques. We present the various methods available in the 5G standard, and the protocol and algorithmic enhancements required to deliver real-time positioning as an alternate TSPI information for the test article. We also examine the transparent to the standard use of the 5G waveform for radar sensing using the base station as the illuminator for the test article, and a custom receiver to perform bistatic radar sensing techniques. Due to the desirable properties of the wideband 5G waveform and the sophisticated antenna apertures used, 5G is increasingly being considering as a combined communications and sensing system. Finally, we discuss the performance expectations and trade-offs for both 5G positioning and sensing.
12:00 – 12:30 Frederick Howard, PEO Spectrum, Spectrum Sensors Use in a Shared Environment
Radio Frequency (RF) environments continue to increase in complexity and density, which is largely driven by advances in wireless communication technologies across multiple sectors. This is further complicated by the availability and proliferation of consumer electronics, such as smart phones, home automation devices, drones, Bluetooth devices, etc and the need for additional spectrum for these devices.
As we look toward the future, we must change how we view and manage spectrum; we must move toward a model of spectrum sharing and flexible management of spectrum. This requires that we utilize and share available spectrum in the most efficient manner possible while minimizing or eliminating interference to the primary user in the band.
During this session, we will discuss how use of spectrum sensors could reduce the risk of spectrum sharing between communication providers and the DoD while maintaining or increasing the DoD’s ability to maintain freedom of movement.
10:30 – 11:00 Sid Jones, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Instrumentation Division, Water-proofed Microphone Flight Test Results
This is an update to 2022’s Wet Aircraft Sound Pressure (WASP) project Environmental Test. Due to the failures of the test microphones during the first Environmental Test, additional fresh from the factory microphones were modified and run through an abbreviated environmental test (9 cycles vice 24). They were then installed and flown on a TPS T-38. The T-38 was subjected to normal operations with no limitations for weather and washing the aircraft. Flight data was recorded in order to check the viability of the microphones. | The Wet Aircraft Sound Pressure (WASP) project is sponsored by the TRMC T&E/S&T Program.
11:00 – 11:30 Jonathan Wright, Redstone Test Center/Army Test and Evaluation Command, Application of Li-Ion Batteries, LDPC, and Distributed Design Capabilities in Flight Termination
As missiles and rockets capable of longer flight time, distance, and hypersonic speeds become more common, telemetry and flight termination systems (TM/FTS) have higher demand for transmitted data, operable range, reliability, and adaptability. With high performance missile and rocket platforms, on-board space for instrumentation becomes scarce. The implementation of rechargeable lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries in a TM/FTS allow for greater test execution reliability, performance pedigree, and predictability. Utilizing Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) with telemetered data allows for more data over longer distances. Distributable TM/FTS hardware can be advantageous in tightly packaged missile platforms, where space for cabling and components are limited.
11:30 – 12:00 Hon Chan, NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, Flight Test Demonstration and Sensors Validation of Fiber Optics Sensing System (FOSS) on USAF T-38C
Structural health monitoring (SHM) based on optical fiber sensors has attracted interest in the aerospace community, where serially cascading multiple fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors on to a single fiber can lead to lighter weight and faster deployment time versus traditional resistive foil strain gage. With collaboration with USAF Test Pilot School (TPS) at Edwards AFB, and 586th Flight Test Squadron (586 FLTS) at Holloman AFB, NASA developed fiber optic sensing system (FOSS) was flown in an AgilePod-16 mounted on the centerline station of a T-38C high performance jet plane as a system under test to evaluate the fiber optics sensor’s performance with co-located resistive strain gages that was installed on a cantilever beam that will be bended via high-g load from the aircraft. The flight testing occurred during the last week of Feb 2024 at Holloman AFB, New Mexico.
The presentation will describe the work that was completed, including stress analysis modeling of the system under test (SUT), environmental testing that includes random vibration, thermal and altitude testing, as well as static acceleration testing. The flight test success criteria will be described in the presentation, and the compatibility flight profile (CFP) to validate flight testing will be presented. As a stretched goal for the project, two columns of optical fiber sensors were bonded to the top mounting plate of AgilePodTM to monitor strain during the flight. At the week of Feb 26th, 2024, four sorties were completed at Holloman AFB out of eight planned due to adverse weather, with about four hours of flight time were completed. FOSS was operational thought out the flights, and strain data gathered on optical fiber were in agreement with the co-locating resistive strain-gage. Data analysis of the flight data will be presented, as well as strain data recorded via optical fiber on the AgilePodTM. Overall the project proves to be fruitful, and advanced the technology readiness level (TRL) of SUT.
12:00 – 12:30 Brian Hetsko, CAES Mission Systems, Evolution of Autonomous Flight Termination into Tactical Platforms
As tactical platforms move into the hypersonic and extended range domains, the limitations of commanded termination create significant testing challenges. Autonomy provides the capability to leverage safe testing corridors beyond traditional test ranges. While the termination decision logic algorithms rests with the government, the ability to adapt and test Autonomous Flight Termination to dynamic environments and operations is the responsibility of the programs and developers. An open design and testing architecture enable this evolution beyond the deterministic ballistic flight and vertical launch arenas.
10:30 – 11:00 William Keane, Duane Morris LLP, Spectrum Policy Report
This presentation provides telemetry practitioners with an overview of significant spectrum policy issues affecting the Ranges. Those issues – and debates surrounding them — continue to multiply. The debates are occurring in several forums, international and domestic. Internationally, the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference concluded in December. Domestically, legislation is pending in Congress, the Administration has adopted a National Spectrum Strategy, and the Federal Communications Commission continues to churn out rulemaking decisions. These issues will be discussed from the Range perspective.
11:00 – 11:30 Charles (Ed) Coyle, Defense Information Systems Agency, PEO Spectrum, AWS-3 2025-2110 MHz Sharing Lessons Learned
As part of the AWS-3 transition, several DoD systems were selected to gain access to the 2025-2110 MHz band with the incumbent television Broadcast Auxiliary Service (BAS). Coordination and collaboration activities with the BAS community were accomplished through multi-stakeholder working groups where use cases, modeling and simulation, tests and measurements, results reporting, and other activities were discussed and adjudicated. This presentation explores these approaches used by DoD and BAS to build a sharing framework and business processes based on collaborative testing, data sharing, modeling, and the associated lessons learned.
11:30 – 12:00 Mark Wigent, Laulima Systems, Spectrum Utilization Metrics System SUMS
Abstract not available.
12:00 – 12:30 Bruce Johnson, ATR’s use of Commercial Services for Airborne Telemetry Re-Radiation
This paper discusses one of the current methods to support flight testing where beyond the line of sight issues exist. Weapon separation flight testing presents some unique telemetry issues. Low power weapon telemetry, long distance from the ground station, low altitudes, multiple telemetry bands and frequencies, weapon inside/outside the aircraft. A Telemetry Receive/Record & Re-Radiation pod was developed to be carried on a chase aircraft during these flight test events. Several different concept of concepts of operations will be discussed as well as personnel resources and skill sets needed.
1:30 – 2:00 Phiroz Madon, Peraton Labs, Spectrum Usage Measurement and Deconfliction
DoD test ranges are facing intense pressure to share designated parts of their AMT allocations with commercial entities. There are currently at least six spectrum-sharing proposals being discussed. DoD frequency managers are at a disadvantage in these discussions because of the lack of data on actual spectrum usage at test ranges. The Spectrum Usage Measurement System (SUMS) tracks, measures, archives the real-time use of spectrum at a test range. It correlates this data with spectrum planning data, thus proving actual use of the spectrum, and creating a powerful tool for spectrum defense. In a recent field trial at Edwards AFB, the System detected peak spectrum utilization close to 100 %, deterring any consideration of sharing it.
Separately, the SUMS platform provides a set of features designed to expand the deconfliction capabilities of the currently-fielded IFDS system. The SUMS deconfliction features result in improved spectral efficiency and frequency reuse, and include: Manual Deconfliction with GUI Assist, Auto-Resolve and Auto-Assign, Coverage Maps for Frequency Assignments, and Spatially-Aware Frequency Deconfliction.
The Spatially-Aware Frequency Deconfliction feature, in particular, has the potential to improve spectral efficiency by 25%. The feature has challenging computational requirements, which are addressed with a modest application of machine learning.
2:00 – 2:30 Andrew Portune, Peraton Labs, Orchestrator and Distributed Integrator (ORDER) – Leveraging Open Architectures for AI/ML Adaptive Orchestration in Dynamic Spectrum Environments
Abstract not available.
2:30 – 3:00 Anthony Triolo, Altio Labs, Spectrum Data Analytics
The RF spectrum is a valuable finite resource, without which over-the-air telemetry transmission would not be possible. Multiple commercial uses have been encroaching on DoD telemetry spectrum for many years and is only expected to continue further. As spectrum users are packed tighter and tighter together and spectrum sharing schemes propose spatial and temporal sharing of DoD and commercial users, real measured effects of interference from adjacent spectral usage is needed to document and protect critical DoD T&E telemetry spectrum. Spectrum monitoring data is continuously collected both from telemetry receivers, as well as on-site spectrum monitoring equipment. The data collected and stored is voluminous and much of it goes unviewed until there is a problem that needs addressing. A system is needed that can mine the treasure trove of information contained in the collected spectral data to provide insights into spectrum use and how co-existing systems behave in the presence of one another. This paper will discuss techniques to create an electromagnetic environment portrait based on AI/ML enabled big data mining of spectrum data collected from telemetry receiver use and spectrum monitoring equipment.
3:00 – 3:30 Ricardo Barreto, US Navy, Weaver Architecture
Abstract not available.
1:30 – 2:00 Sean Chen, UCLA, Parametric Devices in Front-End Communications Systems
Abstract not available.
2:00 – 2:30 Steven Warner, NAWCWD, Using Filters to Help Mitigate Near Term Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) problem is a significant issue in the airborne telemetry systems, affecting the performance and reliability of signal transmission and auto tracking. This paper explores the application of filters as a viable solution for mitigating RFI problems as a near term solution. The focus is on understanding the sources and characteristics of RFI and effectively selecting and implementing the appropriate filters to combat interference and the challenges associated with filter implementation.
2:30 – 3:00 Evan Mouchard, Airborne Instrumentation Division, Point Mugu NAWCWD, Mitigating RF Blackout with Mu-Negative Metamaterial
Abstract not available.
3:00 – 3:30 Mike VanMeter, NAVAIR Ranges SRF Lead, Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) Spectrum Usage
Abstract not available.
1:30 – 2:00 Bruce Johnson, Aircraft Instrumentation Division Prototyping, Instrumentation and Experimentation Dept. NAWCAD, Telemetry Receive/Record & Re-Radiation Pod
Abstract not available.
2:00 – 2:30 Dr. Jean Paul “JP” Santos, NAWC-WD – Airborne Instrumentation Systems Dept, Designing for Beyond Line of Sight in RF Systems
Abstract not available.
2:30 – 3:00 Scott Kujiraoka, GBL Systems, Lessons Learned in the Development of BLOS TM Systems
Abstract not available.
3:00 – 3:30 Prof. Yuanxun Ethan Wang, UCLA, Noise Figure Testing of Active Directly Matched HF/VHF Antenna Receiver
Abstract not available.
1:30 – 2:00 Jeff Kalibjian, Peraton Labs, Spanning the Gap: Overcoming Cybersecurity Challenges with Managing Testing Data in the Cloud
Commercial (FedRAMP High) cloud computing environments can be effective platforms for post-processing and analysis of data generated from range tested products whose data classification is consistent with Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) information category. It is also can ease analysis interchange and communication issues when multiple companies team together to develop, test, and deliver an end-product. Cybersecurity challenges and solutions will be discussed for the four common commercial cloud operations paradigms: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Container as a Service (CaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS). Attendees will gain an understanding of which cloud operational models are most resilient in testing data reduction and analysis and the most optimal way to secure those environments.
2:00 – 2:30 Jason Schalow, Defensive AI: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Combat Cybersecurity Threats
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the arms race between threat actors and defenders continually escalates, with adversaries deploying increasingly sophisticated methods to compromise digital assets. This dynamic environment necessitates a shift in the traditional paradigms of cybersecurity defense mechanisms. In this context, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a pivotal ally in the cyber defense arsenal, offering unprecedented opportunities to enhance security postures and mitigate threats with efficiency and scalability. This talk delves into the transformative potential of AI in countering cybersecurity threats, exploring the latest advancements, practical applications, and the road ahead.
From ransomware campaigns to sophisticated phishing attacks and state-sponsored cyber espionage, the threat landscape is diverse and continually evolving. The limitations of conventional cybersecurity measures in this context underscore the need for innovative solutions. We explore machine learning algorithms’ ability to analyze vast datasets swiftly, identify patterns, and detect anomalies that may signify a security breach. Such capabilities enable proactive threat detection and response, shifting the cybersecurity paradigm from reactive to predictive.
2:30 – 3:00 Payton Rudnick, 412th Communications Squadron, Edwards AFB, Time Series Anomaly Detection for Network Security
Several application areas have emerged recently as critically important for implementation of time-series based anomaly detection for network security. Existing approaches for detecting anomalies are often heuristic based (i.e., rely on thresholds of certain activities) and are easily reversible by malicious actors. In addition, many methodologies are only tested and designed to operate on a case-by-case basis, limiting their potential impact for organizations. This presentation will discuss how network security teams can implement unsupervised deep learning models to tackle the common limitations involved in identifying network anomalies. Discussion will include how to effectively apply time series anomaly detection as a defense tool, as well as examining open-source implementations of this technology.
3:00 – 3:30 To Be Announced
1:00 – 1:30 Richard Burr, Director, Point Mugu Sea Range, Pacific Hypersonic Testing
Abstract not available.
1:30 – 2:00 Daniel Crump, Curtiss-Wright, Empirical Measurement of Flight Test Video Encoding Quality
Video encoding has long been a key function of Flight Test Data Acquisition systems. The encoding methods that are used have gradually evolved from H.261 to MPEG-2 and now to H.264 and H.265. With each improvement in video encoder, we are typically able to compress higher quality video into less bandwidth. This allows us to increase the video resolution while simultaneously maintaining excellent quality and making more efficient use of our limited transmission spectrum.
As Curtiss-Wright was investigating our next generation video encoders, we realized that we needed an empirical measurement of video quality so that we could demonstrate the improvement in modern encoders versus previous generation encoders. In this paper, we will explore empirical video quality metrics and demonstrate a process that we developed for measuring the quality of FTI video encoding.
2:00 – 2:30 John Rudy and Mark Hagiwara, NASA, Developing Wireless Sensing Technology aboard NASA Experimental Aircrafts
Abstract not available
2:30 – 3:00 Benjamin Baird, 896th Test Support Squadron, Eglin AFB, Wireless Airborne Instrumentation
Abstract not available.
1:00 – 1:30 John Blackadar, Department of Homeland Security, CWMD SSD, Evaluating Radiation Portal Monitor System Performance Using Modeling and Simulation
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office (CWMD) conducts Modeling and Simulation (M&S) campaigns to assess how well systems and/or alternative solutions detect and respond to postulated threats. Such a campaign is called a System Performance Evaluation (SPE) and is used when physical performance testing against realistic threats is impracticable and therefore M&S results have a significant bearing on any consequential decisions relating to a program’s activities and progress.
An extensive and robust M&S methodology infrastructure has been developed to support SPE evaluations of operational and functional requirements related to radiation portal monitors (RPMs). This M&S methodology and the verification and validation activities performed to support it will be described, and details on how M&S results were used to support acquisition decisions will be presented.
Author list with contributors from DHS/CWMD, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL):
John Blackadar1, Robert Feuerbach2, Kevin Hase3, Brian Fisher2, Scott Morris4, Derek Aberle3, Alexander Couture4, Brian Dockendorf4, Ethan George1 (contractor), Erhan Guven2, Ray Klann4, Marcie Lombardi3, Jason Matheny3, Sarah Mendoza4, Linda Moniz2, David Moore4, Kevin Morley2, Trevor Omoto3, John Perry3, Jeffrey Van Deusen1 (contractor)
1:30 – 2:00 Scott Wolfson, U.S. Army Redstone Test Center, How to Instantiate a Neural Network on an FPGA – Methodology and Results
The continual advances in military system technologies compel the Test & Evaluation community to constantly mature, adapt and apply innovative methodologies and numerical methods. This progression requires a clear understanding of technique capabilities and limitations. With respect to the Artificial Intelligence trend, developing a capability to instantiate a neural network on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has numerous use cases within the test community. These use cases include a capability to convert data into decision making information in real time using on-system embedded instrumentation. The primary objective of the presentation is to provide design details pertaining to the process I used to train and instantiate a neural network on an FPGA. The presented material will also include a general introduction to neural networks and neural network training.
2:00 – 2:30 Blaine Perry, US Army Redstone Test Center, Harnessing the Power of T&E: Pioneering High-Quality Data for AI/ML within the DoD
In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the quantity and quality of data sets reign supreme. As test and evaluation professionals, our mission is clear: make our data a weapon. T&E professionals generate copious amounts of high-quality data in support of test and evaluation activities, it’s time to unleash its potential. This discussion will underscore the indispensable role of test and evaluation in furnishing high-quality, fit-for-purpose data to train and test AI and ML models.
By drawing insights from the pioneering work of Dr. Fei-Fei Li, who advocated for high-quality datasets to enhance model performance, we will illuminate the critical nexus between data quality and model efficiency, and position T&E professionals as the providers of that quality data.
Moreover, we will delve into the imperative need to make this data VAULTIS: Visible, Accessible, Understandable, Interoperable, Linked, Trusted, and Secure. By making VAULTIS the data generated by T&E professionals today, we have the potential to supply vast quantities of high-quality, fit-for-purpose data for the Department of Defense community. Throughout this discussion we will discuss the necessary adaptations required within the T&E community to confront this challenge head-on.
This discussion will also underscore the collaborative nature and responsibility of the T&E community to generate and make available datasets of exceptional quality, serving as the cornerstone for training effective models and enhancing their performance. It will serve as a rallying call for the T&E community to elevate our data to the epitome of quality and leverage it to enhance our warfighters capabilities in unprecedented ways.
By reframing our perspective and viewing data as a potent weapon rather than digital exhaust, this discussion will prepare the T&E community for the impending era of AI and ML. It will show us how we can arm the DoD with the most potent tool of all: high-quality, VAULTIS data, to enable the AI future.
2:30 – 3:00 To Be Announced
1:00 – 1:30 Ben Kupferschmidt, Curtiss-Wright, The MDL Metadata Language
A key part of the Telemetry Network Standard (TmNS) is the Metadata Description Language (MDL) described in IRIG-106 Chapter 23. This language is capable of describing the configuration of a data acquisition network, the format of its data including all data messages and packages, the RF configuration of the TmNS bi-directional radios in the system, and the Engineering Unit Conversions required to convert the raw data into meaningful units. MDL provides far more information about the configuration than traditional IRIG-106 Chapter 9 TMATS files. This presentation will provide an in-depth overview of each section of the MDL schema and discuss what it is used for and why its useful. The interconnections between different sections of the MDL language will also be covered.
1:30 – 2:00 Matthew Goldsbury and Paul D’Urbano, CTI, Electronic Warfare M&S in support of T&E, and a case for AI/ML for Predicting and Evaluating Non-Kinetic Effects
A Science and Technology (S&T) effort being executed currently for the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) seeks to utilize modeling and simulation (M&S) capabilities and algorithmic solutions originally built for airborne electronic attack (AEA) mission planning and analysis to further empower and provide increased capability to the Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) community. The software suite being built brings capability in Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) environments – currently Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) enabled, with Cloud Hybrid Enterprise-to-Edge Evaluation Test and Analysis Suite (CHEETAS) support underway – providing an environment to analyze and visualize the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) as executed on the range, but also enabling analysts to move past constrained RF environments to explore virtual/constructive non-kinetic effects unimpeded by open-air limitations. This presentation seeks to highlight the work being performed on this effort and the tools that are rolling out to the test community, from the ability to automate portions of test plan creation, to an automated architecture for calibrating parametric models based on observed performance data. Finally, we conclude with evaluating potential applications for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in overcoming limitations of existing Electronic Warfare (EW), Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO), and other non-kinetic modeling challenges with an emphasis on Test and Evaluation (T&E).
2:00 – 2:30 Richard Burr, Director, Point Mugu Sea Range, Point Mugu Sea Range LVC Efforts
Abstract not available.
2:30 – 3:00 To Be Announced
1:00 – 1:30 Tyler P. Neale, TRMC High Speed Systems Test, AEDC/TDH, SkyRange Capability Overview
1:30 – 2:00 Anand Kelkar, CDSI, Telemetry Signal Acquisition and Tracking Beyond the Edge
2:00 – 2:30 Satya Ponnaluri, Blue Halo, Advances in Phased Array Antennas for Telemetry
2:30 – 3:00 Chris Patscheck, Raven Defense, Raven Advanced Phased-array Telemetry Resource (RAPTR)
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