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2021 Test Instrumentation Workshop (TIW)

Download Agenda – Pacific Time.

Proceedings now available. 

If you missed this workshop there is still time to register and watch all the great plenary speakers and technical sessions. All content will be available on-demand until June 30th. If you did not attend and would like to register to see all the great presentations please contact Lena@itea.org. 

**For those that registered, you can still access ALL of the content on the platform
until June 30th using your login and password.**

This workshop focuses on the use of test instrumentation and resulting data. From the sensor to the recorder, to the display in the control room, and finally the plot in the test report, we all use instrumentation.
Future Test and Evaluation (T&E) will take place with limited resources on both sides—the equipment and the people who use it. With the ever-increasing complexity of test articles and decreasing schedules and budgets, T&E organizations have begun searching for new ways to instrument, test, and evaluate aeronautical systems. Facing shortages in equipment, capabilities, and personnel, today’s T&E leaders must unleash their people to innovate to plan, provision, and conduct missions safely and effectively.
Our goal is to identify and address those instrumentation and data issues and challenges faced by the flight test community. Please join us at the Virtual 2021 ITEA Test Instrumentation Workshop to share your experiences, lessons learned, and solutions to the problems we face in today’s constrained test and evaluation environments.
This workshop is hosted by the Antelope Valley Chapter located at the center of the Aerospace Testing Universe.



As with many conferences & workshops across the globe, this year’s Test Instrumentation Workshop has switched to a virtual format. Virtual conferences are unlike webinars and webcasts in that they offer many ways to connect with speakers, exhibitors, and other attendees in real time. We know that for many of you, this may be your first time attending an immersive, multi-day, online event. So we’ve compiled some simple pro tips to help you make the most of this virtual environment.

Below are some important tips to ensure you have the best conference experience possible. There are also links to a quick overview video of how to navigate the virtual conference as well as FAQ. If you have any questions please email Lena@itea.org

  • The conference will be held in Pacific Time.
  • Most important tip! Use Google Chrome. The platform works best with this browser.
  • Make sure to allow permissions to your microphone and camera so you can video chat with other attendees.
  • If your screen is blank or a video does not load, refresh the page. (Windows: Ctrl + F5 or Mac: Command + Shift+R)
  • When you first login to the system with your email it will prompt you to create a password. IF you forget your password you can reset it. If you don’t see the reset option, enter any digit in the password field and hit enter. You will then see a reset password link. A 6 digit code will be sent to your email.
  • If you would like to see the video in full screen, click the hollow square found on the bottom right hand corner of the video.
  • During the networking session be sure to allow access to your microphone and camera. You will have 8 minutes to video chat with another attendee/sponsor/exhibitor. After 8 minutes you will be connected with the next attendee. Make sure to exchange contact info to setup future meetings!
  • Turn on your notification sound and popups so you can see when you receive a message. Turn this feature on via the gear icon in the chat window

Virtual Conference Platform Overview

Virtual Events FAQ

Why Attend the Virtual Workshop?

Watch Live – Watch presentations, keynotes and panel discussions from top industry thought-leaders all day, every day!

– Comment and question in real time. Spark conversations with your fellow attendees. 

Question – Get in-depth answers in real-time in our live Q&A sessions in each presentation and panel!

– Missed a session? Catch-up in your own time! Included in the cost of registration is access to all “on-demand” content up until 3o June.

– Connect with your fellow attendees and potential customers!  You will be able to message, schedule meetings and video chat.

Virtual Exhibition
– Search through exhibitors from your own desk and find the latest services and technology solutions for your company.

Plenary Speakers

We are delighted to announce our esteemed speakers! Please check back often as we continue to build our program and add new speakers. 

Joey Arora
Program Manager, Platform One
Catherine Bahm
NASA’s Deputy Project Manager for the Low Boom Flight Demonstrator (LBFD) X-59 project
Major Brandon “Siphon” Burfiend
F-22 Test Pilot, Genisys Director
Vandad Espahbodi
Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Starburst Aerospace
Brigadier General Matthew Higer
Commander, 412 Test Wing, Edwards AFB
Scott Kirsner
Chief Executive Officer, Innovation Leader
George Rumford
SES- Principal Deputy Director, Test Resource Management Center


Pre-Workshop Tutorials

The pre-workshop tutorials will be held on Tuesday, 11 May 2021. The fee to attend a 4-hour tutorial is $205. If you would like to take a second course, your fee then becomes $385 for both classes . Upon registration, use the discount code “TWO-Tutorials” at checkout. 

After you register you will receive a confirmation email a few days before with instructions on how to access the live tutorial on the Accelevents platform. If you have any difficulties, please contact Lena Moran at Lena@itea.org

Tutorial Descriptions

List of Courses

Predictive Analytics for Performance Assessment
Instructor: Mark J. Kiemele, Ph.D., Air Academy Associates

Troubleshooting Ethernet Data with Wireshark                                          
Instructor: Paul Ferrill, ATAC

Video and Video Compression
Instructor: Gary Thom, Delta Information Systems

iNET Telemetry Networks
Instructor: Thomas Grace, NAVAIR 

Real World Telemetry over IP
Instructor: Gary Thom, Delta Information Systems

Test and Evaluation of Laser and Electro-Optical Systems
Instructor: Douglas Nelson, Teknicare, Inc.

IRIG 106-17 Chapter 7 Packet Telemetry Downlink Basis and Implementation Fundamentals
Instructor: Johnny Pappas, Safran Data Systems, Inc.

JPEGXS vs H.264/H.265: Why JPEGXS is better, faster, and more reliable
Instructor: Paul Hightower, Instrumentation Technology Systems (ITS)

Basic of Aircraft Instrumentation Systems
Instructor: Bruce Johnson, NAWCAD

TENA, JMETC, and BDKM for Distributed Testing
Instructor: Gene Hudgins, JMETC/TENA


Online Registration

ITEA is very excited to be able to offer these reduced rates. Included in the cost of registration is access to all “on-demand” content up until June 30th. 

Download Registration Form 

Regular Registration 
$200 – Non-Member**
$150 – ITEA Member 

Full-Time Government Employee or Active Duty
$150 – ITEA Member 

Full-Time Student
$25 – ITEA Member / Non-Member (Full time ID required)

Second Tutorial Instructor – $100

** For $45 more sign up to become a member and receive all membership benefits such as 1) access to ITEA monthly lunch and learns for free 2) access to the ITEA Journal of T&E 3) discounts for other ITEA conferences and much more.

SUBSTITUTION AND CANCELLATION POLICY: Substitutions are permitted. Refunds are not available within two (2) days prior to the start of the event. Requests for cancellation submitted after 2 days prior to the event will be subject to a 50% cancellation fee.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Each of the 4-hour Pre-Workshop Tutorials provide 4 contact hours of instruction (4 CPEs) that are directly applicable to your professional development program, including the Certified Test and Evaluation Professional Credential (CTEP).

In addition to the Pre-Workshop Tutorials, the Workshop provides 4 contact hours of instruction (4 CPEs) for each half-day, 8 contact hours of instruction (8 CPEs) for each full-day, or 20 contact hours of instruction (20 CPEs) for attending the full Workshop, that are directly applicable to your professional development program, including the Certified Test and Evaluation Professional Credential (CTEP).

Exhibit Opportunities

Why Exhibit

Don’t miss your opportunity to exhibit at the 2021 Test Instrumentation Workshop.  Commercial, academic, and government exhibits will play an integral part of this workshop. We’ll put you in the right place at the right time. Increase your visibility, network with key players, and show your support and commitment to the  industry and community! The virtual booth will include:

  • Live Stream: Have a live video chat with attendees real-time. 
  • Promo Video URL: Share a pre-recorded video with attendees visiting your booth.
  • Company Description: Add a description of your company/organization.
  • Offer Link: In the Offer area, add a special deal, discount, or reward for booth visitors.
  • Products: Add pictures of products with description.
  • Social Links: Include links to your social media so that interested attendees can stay up to date with your organization.
  • Upload Documents: Provide any resources for attendees visiting your booth to view & download. 
  • Chat: Chat in your booth or send a request for a private chat.
  • Registration Included: Exhibit fee includes two (2) complimentary registrations!

Exhibit Hall Hours
The virtual exhibit hall will be open the entire workshop, however the times below are for the face-to-face virtual meetings.

  • Tuesday, May 11th – 12:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Wednesday, May 12th – 1:00pm – 5:00pm
  • Thursday, May 13th – 1:00pm – 5:00pm

Virtual Exhibit Application

Exhibitor Overview Video

Virtual Booth Information

Please contact Lena Moran at Lena@itea.org for additional details.


ITEA is a 501(c)(3) professional education association dedicated to the education and advancement of the test and evaluation profession. Registration fees, membership dues, and sponsorships are tax deductible.

Your sponsorship dollars help defer the cost of the Symposium and support the ITEA scholarship fund, which assists deserving students in their pursuit of academic disciplines related to the test and evaluation profession. Sponsorship and related benefits will become effective on receipt of payment.

NOTE:  This ITEA event is a non-competitive environment meant for a free exchange of ideas and information. 

TIW Virtual Sponsorship Form

Why Attend

For 40 years the International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization, has been advancing the exchange of technical, programmatic, and acquisition information among the test and evaluation community. ITEA members come together to learn and share with others from industry, government, and academia, who are involved with the development and application of the policies and techniques used to assess effectiveness, reliability, interoperability, and safety of existing, legacy, and future technology-based weapon and non-weapon systems and products throughout their life-cycle.

Almost everyone involved with Test and Evaluation has had to deal with accelerated test plans, limited manpower, red tape, broken test articles, and of course, a shrinking budget. However, seldom do the expectations of the customers or the demands on our war-fighters decrease with the corresponding lack of resources. We must accomplish the mission! Our war-fighters, our citizens, our allies, our country depends on it! So, how do we accomplish the mission on a constrained budget? When we are limited to funds that will barely keep us “running”, much less accelerating, what do we do? This is the focus of the 2021 ITEA Test Instrumentation Workshop: Shaping the Future of T&E. We invite you to come and share lessons learned, new solutions (material and non-material) and more efficient.

Our aerospace ranges and test facilities are national assets which utilizes resources that are very relevant to the instrumentation community. Personnel from these facilities attend this event to promote and stimulate technical growth in instrumentation and its allied arts and sciences. This is accomplished through participation in technical forums, educational activities, and technical publications. It is highly recommended that test and instrumentation personnel participate in the event in order keep our mostly commercial-off-the-shelf instrumentation science capabilities (flight test instrumentation, telemetry data acquisition, and data display) at a sufficient state to promote safe and effective test and evaluation. 

Participation in the event ensures that today’s test professionals learn test best practices from industry, other government agencies and partner nations.  Use of advanced commercial instrumentation and measurement in test and evaluation increases safety, reduces cost, schedule and technical risk to the developers to ensure deployment of mission effective and suitable systems that will ultimately benefit the war-fighter. Exposure at events such as these ensures the test professional stays current in its telemetry capabilities to support flight test.

Workshop Committee


Michael Elliott

Christopher Newman

Lena Moran at Lnpena3@gmail.com

Event Details


11 - 13 May 2021




Printable Registration Form
Online Registration






Location Map


8001 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819 United States
View Venue Website


ITEA Antelope Valley and Southern Nevada Chapters



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