ITEA Professional Certification

ITEA Professional Certification

Become Recognized as a T&E professional!

ITEA administers, manages, and awards the Certified Test and Evaluation Professional (CTEP) credential which provides significant benefits to T&E professionals, organizations, and their customers. T&E subject-matter experts (SMEs) have been involved in the development of this credential. These SMEs—T&E executives, managers, supervisors, individual contributors, and technicians—have come from a diverse cross-section of the T&E profession, representing industry, government, academia, laboratories, ranges, weapon systems, information technology, transportation, electronic communications, consumer electronics, and more.

The exam contains 100 +  questions.  It may have up to 25 additional questions that do not count toward the student’s score. These are field test questions, which are being evaluated for the future exams.   The exam duration is 4 hours.   A 125-question exam is standard.  The exam is computer based and each exam is unique.  Special accommodations are available and include additional time.  
All questions are formatted as multiple-choice, and some have multiple answers. 

Get Your Certification Now! 

Complete the application online!

The CTEP credentials are designed to:

  • Recognize individuals who demonstrate:
    • KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES (KSAs): They meet the minimum level of competency in the requisite KSAs that have been identified by T&E subject-matter experts (SMEs).
    • COMMITMENT to maintain currency in the
    • DEDICATION to advancing the T&E Community
  • Develop and promote common standards, principles, procedures, processes, and terms for the T&E profession.
  • Support professional development and education to enhance the KSAs of T&E

Check out the new 2-tiered program!

Foundational certification will be awarded to candidates with a Baccalaureate Degree and 1 year of relevant T&E work (or equivalent) and successfully pass the Foundational exam.

Practitioner certification will be awarded to candidates with a Baccalaureate Degree and 3 years of relevant T&E work experience (or equivalent) and successfully pass the Practitioner exam.

The Board of Examiners identified 4 domains and all questions fall under at least one of these areas:

Domain I:  Test and Evaluation Planning

Domain II:  T&E Design

Domain III:  Test and Evaluation Execution

Domain IV:  Test Data Analysis, Evaluation and Reporting

CTEP Application and Fees 

CTEP Application – $50 ITEA Member ($150 Non-Member) 
CTEP Examination – $250 ITEA Member ($400 Non-Member)
CTEP Examination (Retake) – $150
CTEP Recertification – $150

The CTEP credential is becoming a “preferred” requirement in many test engineer job postings.  If your company is interested in learning more, contact us.

Preparing for the Exam:

While there is no specific course that will prepare you for the exam, the CTEP handbook has a list of reference materials submitted from the BOE while creating the exam questions. The T&E knowledge exam is a multiple choice test based on 4 focused areas that can be found in the CTEP handbook below.  (see page number 3 & 4 for specific topics covered)

CTEP Handbook  

ITEA is offering Courses that are aligned to the 4 domains listed above.  These courses are offered through our preferred vendors and offered in a variety of formats.  To learn more,visit or contact us directly.