ITEA Chapters, through their local service to members, are the cornerstone of the Association. The Test and Evaluation community is a family connected by unique initiatives and common goals and ITEA is the only association dedicated solely to the community’s success.
Each Chapter, organized by region, provides a diverse network of individuals that support the test and evaluation community. Led by a Chapter President and Executive Committee, the dedicated, volunteer members advance the mission of ITEA by educating the T&E workforce.
Implement a robust scholarship program for your local school or STEAM program. Gain visibility within your Command/Organization by hosting a local chapter technical exchange, networking social, or luncheon with guest speaker.
Earn scholarship dollars by hosting a major ITEA event. The all-volunteer chapter can host an ITEA sponsored workshop, conference, or symposia and reap the benefits of earning scholarship dollars for their local STEAM program or individual students attending higher education institutions in the fields of study that align with T&E.
Promote professional recognition by running a campaign to boost the submission process for the ITEA Test & Evaluation Professional Awards program within your community.
Promote professional growth by sponsoring an educational course at your Command/Organization. ITEA brings a cadre of instructors to you with topics that mean the most in your organization.
As a Member of ITEA you are instrumental in the success of your Chapter! Volunteer to gain professional connections, experience career growth and to make an impact on the T&E community!
Working to engage the future T&E workforce in your area by supporting your Chapter’s Scholarship committee!
Working with ITEA National to be a Program Chair orchestrating a major workshop or symposia? How about being the Tutorial Chair soliciting the best 4-hour technical or professional sessions to provide continuing education credits to the community? Or, if you are detailed oriented, taking on the role of the administrative lead to make sure all the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted. We have so many roles available!
Would you consider joining or chairing one of our ITEA Board level Committees? From the ITEA T&E Awards program to the Publications Committee, we have a place for you! Learn More. Did you every think of running for a leadership position on the Board of Directors? We suggest that you get involved at your local level and then engage with our Directors!
West Region
President: Wendy Peterson
Southeast Region
President: Joseph Hurst
Southeast Region
President: Vacant
West Region
President: Gil Torres
Southeast Region
President: Vacant
West Region
President: Vacant
Southeast Region
President: Catherine Snow
Mid-Atlantic Region
President: Robert McKelvey
Region Mid-Atlantic
President: Rick Bailer
Southwest Region
President: Vacant
West Region
President: Vacant
Mid-Atlantic Region
President: CRD Erwin Sabile, CTEP
Southwest Region
President: Vacant
President: Vacant
Northeast Region
President: Vacant
West Region
President: Shannon Wigent
Northeast Region
President: Rob Reyling
West Region
President: Vacant
Northeast Region
President: Bruce Einfalt
Southwest Region
President: Ralph Galetti
Southeast Region
President: Lewis T. Hundley
Southwest Region
President: Vacant
Northeast Region
President: John Frederick
President: Peter G. Nikoloff
Mid-Atlantic Region
President: Vacant
West Region
President: Darryl Johnson
Southwest Region
President: Steve Woffinden
Southeast Region
President: Vacant
President: Adrian Britton
Southwest Region
President: Steve Aragon
The Future T&E Workforce Development Shifts Left
The Hampton Roads Chapter hosted the STEAMhack™ Chain Reaction Challenge at the Cybersecurity Workshop the last week of August in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This is a speed-building event where teams of 3-6 high school students receive a kit of materials and about 3 hours to build the most impressive chain reaction-style machine. The students had to “Catch a Meteor” by building machines to launch and catch a meteor, and integrate the reason for catching a meteor into the story described by the team prior to the triggering of the chain reaction.
We are grateful to the leaders who served as the judges for this competition, Chris Collins, Executive Director, Development Test, Evaluation, and Assessments, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Research & Engineering), Justine Gayle, Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton, and Kaila Perry, Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic 5G. At the end of the day long event, the students were treated to a reception where they were awarded a John V. Bolino Scholarship! First place winners were from Granby High School received $1000, second place $750 Princess Anne High School, and third place $500, Ocean Lakes High School.
We extend our congratulations to the students for their creative solutions and to the faculty for seeing the value and making this happen on the second day of a new school year!
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