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Antelope Valley Chapter (CA)
West Region
President: Wendy Peterson

Atlanta Chapter (GA)
Southeast Region 
President: Joseph Hurst

Central Florida Chapter (FL)
Southeast Region 
President: Vacant

Channel Islands Chapter (CA)
West Region
President:  Gil Torres

Charleston Chapter (SC)
Southeast Region
President: Vacant

China Lake Chapter (CA)
West Region
President: Vacant

Emerald Coast Chapter (FL)
Southeast Region 
President: Catherine Snow 

Francis Scott Key Chapter (MD)
Mid-Atlantic Region
President: Robert McKelvey

George Washington Chapter (DC Area)
Region Mid-Atlantic 
President: Rick Bailer

Great Salt Lake Chapter (UT)
Southwest Region
President: Vacant

Greater San Diego Chapter (CA)
West Region
President: Vacant

Hampton Roads Chapter (VA)
Mid-Atlantic Region 
President: CRD Erwin Sabile, CTEP

Huachuca Chapter (AZ)
Southwest Region 
President: Vacant

Israeli Chapter (Israel)
President: Vacant

Miami Valley Chapter (OH)
Northeast Region
President: Vacant

Mid-Pacific Chapter (HI)
West Region 
President: Shannon Wigent

New England Chapter (MA)
Northeast Region 
President: Rob Reyling

Pacific Northwest Chapter (WA)
West Region
President: Vacant

Penn State Chapter (PA)
Northeast Region
President: Bruce Einfalt

Roadrunner Chapter (NM)
Southwest Region 
President: Ralph Galetti

Rocket City Chapter (AL)
Southeast Region
President: Lewis T. Hundley

Rocky Mountain Chapter (CO)
Southwest Region
President: Vacant

South Jersey Chapter (NJ)
Northeast Region 
President: John Frederick

Southern Cross Chapter (Australia)
President: Peter G. Nikoloff

Southern Maryland Chapter (MD)
Mid-Atlantic Region 
President: Vacant

Southern Nevada Chapter (NV)
West Region 
President: Darryl Johnson

Valley of the Sun Chapter (AZ)
Southwest Region 
President: Steve Woffinden

Volunteer Chapter (TN)
Southeast Region
President: Vacant

Western Europe Chapter (United Kingdom)
President: Adrian Britton

White Sands Chapter (NM)
Southwest Region
President: Steve Aragon