ITEA Awards | Celebrating Excellence in Test and Evaluation

Professional T&E Awards

On behalf of the ITEA Board of Directors, it is our distinct pleasure to announce the winners of the prestigious Professional T&E Awards for 2024.

We received outstanding nominations recognizing outstanding leadership, groundbreaking research, and exceptional service which made the competition very tough. Your nomination from your superior, peer, or colleague conveyed their intention and desire to see you and your accomplishments recognized and celebrated within the T&E community! 

The ITEA Awards will be presented during the ITEA Annual International T&E Symposium, which is scheduled to take place the week of November 4 in the vibrant city of Huntsville, Alabama. This symposium promises to be an enriching experience, offering invaluable insights, networking opportunities, and thought-provoking discussions.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to advancing the field of Test and Evaluation. Together, let us continue to champion innovation, excellence, and collaboration within our community.

Dr. Robin Poston
Professional Awards Committee Chair
Associate Provost and Dean of the Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies
Southern Methodist University

Professional Awards Categories

Eligibility: The recipient must be a member of ITEA, and contributions to other professional technical associations with a connection to T&E will also be considered in the selection process. Teams, organizations, or institutions are not eligible for this award.

Evaluation Criteria:
Length of time over which contributions have been made.
Impact of contributions to T&E and its community.
Significant achievements that benefited a professional technical association (e.g. ITEA, ITC, AIAA, NDIA) as a result of an office held or committee involvement.
Services performed that enhance and strengthen the profession of T&E.

Eligibility: ITEA membership is not a requirement for eligibility, but will be considered during the Committee’s selection process. The candidate must be nominated by a mentor, supervisor, or colleague. Teams, organizations, or institutions are ineligible for this award. ITEA can give multiple awards or if the Committee deems that no suitable nomination has been received one year, the award will not be granted.

Evaluation Criteria:
1. Individual has been actively practicing in the Test and Evaluation profession for five (5) years or less.

2. Accomplishment of a significant achievement, or achievements, which contribute to promoting excellence in the T&E profession and enhancing the status of the T&E professional.

3. Activities demonstrating this might include, but are not limited to:

  • Getting involved in the T&E community to change or improve processes and procedures to achieve a “best practice.”
  • Developing a new approach to an old problem/new thinking/development new strategies/process.
  • Completing a special project that demonstrates a clear and vested interest in advancing the T&E profession.

Eligibility: ITEA membership is not a requirement for eligibility, but will be considered during the Committee’s selection process. The award may be presented to an individual, team, or organization.

Evaluation Criteria:
1. Demonstrated innovated utilization of management tools to enhance the execution of a T&E plan.
2. Developed innovative concepts and processes for utilization during the planning, execution, and reporting of T&E events.
3. Utilized creative management tools to control cost and schedule.
4. Utilized innovative approaches, processes, or concepts for resolving problems and/or critical T&E issues.
5. Provided quick, accurate, and responsive feedback to the decision maker.
6. Developed, coordinated, and completed timely, accurate, precise, and comprehensive reports.
7. Executed a T&E event in a timely and efficient manner resulting in project savings.
8. Placed emphasis on the safety of human resources and the proper maintenance of the testing environment.

Eligibility: ITEA membership is not a requirement for eligibility, but will be considered during the Committee’s selection process. The Cross Award may be awarded to any deserving individual, team, organization, or institution.

Evaluation Criteria: Nominees must have demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of T&E education by means of accomplishment in one or more of the following areas:

1. Leadership. Establish, direct, or significantly improve an education or training
program or course essential to test and evaluation.
2. Teaching. Exhibit exceptional competence in instructing the general field of T&E or
one or more of its necessary subject area.
3. Research and Development. Introduce new theory, concepts, technique, policy,
organization, or knowledge that is documented and available to advance the state of
the art of T&E instruction.

Eligibility: ITEA membership is not a requirement for eligibility, but will be considered during the Committee’s selection process. Any individual or team associated with test is eligible to receive the award.

Evaluation Criteria: The innovative use of the technology (describe the technology and how it was applied).

Benefit to the T&E customer in terms of test performance, schedule, and cost.
Increase in information to the T&E customer.

Eligibility: The Publications Award may be awarded to any author or authors whose literary work is of high quality and addresses test and evaluation topics. Membership in ITEA is not required; however, the literary works for which the author is nominated should complement ITEA’s goals. Co-authors are eligible for joint recognition. Teams, organizations, or institutions are not eligible. The following prerequisites also apply:

Published work must be original and must adhere to the accepted practices of scholarly research methods. Proper credits must be given where material is drawn from other sources; the conclusions are to be suitably justified, and statements of opinion are to be identified as such.
An author can only receive this award one time for the same publication.
Only published works available to the public will be considered.

Evaluation Criteria: Published works will generally be ranked according to the following hierarchy:
Books by a single author.
Books by co-authors.
Books by an editor.
Monograph series.
Refereed article in a published journal.
Tutorial text.
Television script, where authorship is specified.
Relative impact of the published work in terms of its influence in the T&E field.
The degree to which the author drew upon approved research methods in the justification of any conclusions.
The organization of the published material, editorial style, and conciseness of presentation.

ITEA’s Special Recognition Association Awards
Everybody secretly wants to win an award. Just being nominated brings a huge array of benefits not just to the individual but also the entire organization.
Submissions due by
August 15, 2024