Chapter News

Chapter News

The George Washington and Hampton Roads Chapters Earned Scholarship Dollars by hosting the Inaugural AI in T&E Forum in 1st Quarter 2024 

Hampton Roads Chapter President, Erwin Sabile of Booz Allen Hamilton and GW Chapter President, COL Rick Bailer (USA Retired) of EWA Government Systems Inc. are pleased to announce that their one-day AI Forum earned their Chapters $1500 to be put toward their respective Chapter’s scholarship programs. 


The Channel Islands Chapter Earned $5000 After a Highly Successful Test Instrumentation Workshop in May

Recently retired Navy Civilian and Channel Islands President, Gil Torres was pleased to learn that their chapter earned $5,000 for their scholarship program after Dr. Jean Paul “JP” Santos, TIW Program Chair, NAWC-WD Point Mugu, Airborne Instrumentation Systems Department and his planning committee, including his Technical Chair, Scott Kujiraoka, of GBL Systems (NAWC-WD Point Mugu) hosted over 300 attendees at the workshop in May.