ITEA Test & Evaluation Professional Awards
Matthews Award, Mr. Charles Garcia, Command Post Technologies
Named after Dr. Allen R. Matthews, founder and first president of ITEA. It is presented to an individual for a lasting, significant contribution to the field of T&E, such as the cumulative effect of a distinguished career. The Allen R. Matthews award is the highest award bestowed by ITEA. The recipient must be a member of ITEA.
Special Achievement Award, Jenna K. Frye, Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic
Given for an exceptional special act of achievement in T&E, such as the solution of a major problem, or a notable project success for which there is evidence that tangible benefits have accrued.
Cross Award, Steven G. Potter, United States Naval Test Pilot School
Named after the late Major General Richard G. Cross, Jr., USAF, a highly respected figure in T&E and one of the first directors of ITEA. It is presented to an individual, team, or organization for a significant contribution to education for T&E in teaching, administration, or research.
Publications Award, Christopher Collins, Developmental Test, Evaluation and Assessments OSD Research & Engineering, and Kenneth Senechal, Naval Air Systems Command
Recognizes outstanding contributions to test and evaluation literature. Given for a book, technical paper, or article that improves or increases the body of knowledge and understanding of T&E. Published works must be original.
Technical Achievement Award, Advanced Warhead Characterization Team, Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness (JTCG/ME) Program Office, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM)
Recognizes an individual or group for outstanding achievement in applying instrumentation, information technology, modeling and simulation, time-space-positioning information, electro-optics technology, or other T&E technology to cause a test and evaluation program to be better, faster, and less expensive.
Dr. Wilson N. Felder, II, Early Career Award, Corinne Stafford, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
The Early T&E Career Award recognizes a young professional who, during his/her first 5 years of practicing in the T&E field, has accomplished a significant achievement(s) which enhances and strengthens the T&E profession.
Recognizes “behind the scenes” volunteer contributions that have supported the Test and Evaluation community and/or member organizations.
President’s Award, Linda Rapp of Rapp Design and Bob Shinn of DublinBlue
The President’s Award was established in 1996 to give the president of ITEA the prerogative of acknowledging individuals whom he or she deems worthy of recognition.
Board of Directors Award, Dr. Laura Freeman, VATECH
The Board of Directors Award, established in 1996, is presented to an individual who has contributed to the growth, development, goals, and mission of the Association.
Stephanie Clewer, Awards Committee Chair
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