Chairman’s Message

MARCH 2024 I Volume 45, Issue 1

Mark Phillips


On behalf of your 2024 ITEA Board of Directors, I would like to welcome you to a big year for Test and Evaluation (T&E). This year we expand our aperture to include emerging areas such as artificial intelligence in T&E as well as drive to increase the membership internationally, just as we did in 2023. As Chairman I can tell you the state of the T&E union is strong and only getting stronger as we work together to strengthen the international impact on growing the T&E workforce in Australia, the UK, Korea, Japan, and the US to name a few. We will be present again at the Australian System Engineering Test and Evaluation (SETE) conference in September of this year to wave the ITEA flag, further the collaboration with the Australian membership and share ideas like the developing T&E Code of Practice being championed by the Southern Cross Chapter.

I have one ask of you this year, and that is to be an active part of the community through attendance at conferences, taking or giving tutorials, writing papers, strengthening the value of our Journal, mentioning ITEA and T&E in social media, joining the many subcommittees we have and prime the pipeline for the future executive boards. There is so much we can do together to make the world a safer place through T&E. I look forward to meeting with you this year at our various events and encourage you to be heard.

Thank you all for your support and lets make 2024 the biggest year for T&E and your association ever.

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